Course 1: Rituals for Resilience
May 28 - 29, 2021
on-going 1.5-hour meetings meet bi-monthly starting the week of June 7, 2021, dates TBD by the cohort
The opening program establishes the community and introduces foundations of contemplative psychology and somatic integration. Rituals of embodiment emphasize earning the resourcing language for resilience and self-care initiated from the onset.
Participants will find their people to practice coaching with right-away in a coaching capacity, being transparent about their learning process and the practicum nature of their work with others. The program introduces and follows a map of mutual change throughout the program and within each coaching session.
Topic Covered:
Intrinsic Health in Neurodiversity
Somatic Integration
Window of Tolerance
Stages of the Nervous System
Negativity Bias
Methodologies Introduced:
Embodied Ritual
Movement for Resilience
Compassionate Presence
Glimmer Hunting
Speaking from the Heart
Course 2: Kindness and the Nervous System
July 24- 25, 2021
on-going 1.5-hour meetings meet bi-monthly starting the week of August 2, 2021, dates TBD by the cohort
The cohort explores the process of exchange and compassionate exchange. Participants will explore rituals of offering, enriching, aspiring, and protection. Somatic practices for working with shame, stigma, vulnerability, and connection will be created and practiced. Curiosity and wonderment introduce a primary integration tool in the process of mutual change.
Topics Covered:
Maitri Loving Kindness
Arrested Emotions
Exchange and Interdependence Mini-integrations
Shame Resilience Compassionate Exchange
Embracing Vulnerability
Methodologies Introduced:
Somatic Regulation
Four-Step Practice
Compassionate Exchange
Embodied Ritual Emphasizing Maitri
Course 3: Compassion as a Resource
September 18- 19, 2021
on-going 1.5-hour meetings meet bi-monthly starting the week of September 27, 2021, dates TBD by the cohort
An in-depth understanding of the birth of compassion, from the perspective of Contemplative Psychology, will be introduced and explored.
The program emphasizes rituals of speech, exchange, and reflection. Somatic practices for working through difficult conversations utilizing somatic integration within compassionate exchange work. More on Nervous system health. Further cultivation of curiosity and dedicated agency within ourselves and extending this toward others.
Topics Covered:
Development of Compassion
Paramitas in Daily Life
Three Prajnas; Ways of Knowing
Pentagone of Resources
Methodologies Introduced:
Tonglen; exchanging self for others
Aspiring and Entering Rituals
Contemplative Inquiry
Mandala Play: Embodied Ritual
Course 4: Embodied Boundaries
November 20 - 21, 2021
on-going 1.5-hour meetings meet bi-monthly starting the week of November 29, 2021, dates TBD by the cohort
Participants explore their understanding of boundaries in the context of space awareness, relative and absolute aspects of working safely with self and other and seating a personal project of applied learning that requesting access needs and setting boundaries. In-depth explorations of access, boundaries, and nervous systems become illuminated through somatic practices.
Topics Covered:
The Holy Trilogy of Contemplative Psychology
Exchange and Discernment
Somatic Nervous System
Five Buddha Family Mandala
Methodologies Introduced:
Body Speech and Mind Discipline
Embodied Ritual: Listening to Boundaries
The Body
Advocacy work
Course 5: Reverence in the World
February 19 - 20, 2022
on-going 1.5-hour meetings meet bi-monthly starting the week of February 28, 2022, dates TBD by the cohort
This course turns the cohort’s attention to their projects and supporting them to complete their hours of practicum as an integrative coach.
This class will also introduce the Mandala of the 5 Buddha Families as a guide to establish balance in our lives. Shining the Jewel practice will also be utilized in learning to give helpful and resourcing feedback to others. We will be creating rituals of holding our mistakes as a practice. Practicing methods of Somatic Integration out in the world will be explored.
Topics Covered:
Elemental Advocacy
Inquiry as Path
Mutual Recovery as Path
Methodologies Introduced:
Embodied Rituals of Wonderment
Shining the Jewel and Offering Reflections
Mentoring for Practicum
Course 6: The Courage of Wonderment
April 8 - 10, 2022
Graduation Weekend and certification of Trauma-Informed Coaching
Three full days of online student presentations and ritual celebrations as a final project and with the cohort. Final proclamations and opportunities for on-going support made available.