Graduate Training 

1 year certification


About The Graduate Training

The Karuna Graduate Training is for graduates of the Basic Training
In this year-long certificate program participants learn skills for how to bring the elements of Karuna Training into their work and personal lives.

The heart of the Graduate Training is a 75-hour practicum which includes direct work with others in a project that you choose and design. The process encourages you to live your Karuna in the world and to apply it very directly in an area of your life that will challenge you deeply in personal growth.
The Graduate Training helps to uncover numerous opportunities that allow you to live skillfully from a place of compassionate exchange with the world. It also helps you to develop real skills in leading Karuna processes. This includes facilitating groups in Compassionate Exchange, Speaking from the Heart, Contemplative Experiential Exercises, and Mindfulness Awareness Practice. You will also take an in-depth dive into possible applications of Body, Speech, and Mind.

The Graduate Training cycle has a possible 55 total CEUs.

The prerequisite is the 2-year Karuna Basic Training.

The methods we learn to offer to others include:
  • Offering Meditation Instruction
  • Leading Body Awareness
  • Facilitating Experiential Exercises
  • Teaching Compassionate Exchange
  • Facilitation of Body, Speech, and Mind Groups in multiple applications
  • Speaking from the Heart Group Facilitation
  • Intensification Practice in Everyday Life
  • Sacred Rituals in Everyday Life
  • Concentrated Self-Care and the Propagation of Maitri, Loving-Kindness.

The program consists of Six seminars:

The methods we learn to offer to others include:
  • Two 4-day residential programs
  • One residential deepening week Maitri Space Awareness retreat
  • One online seven-part course on Maitri Space Awareness intensification in everyday life
  • Three online skill-based courses are held on weekends and evenings.
  • In addition, the heart of the program entails participants performing a 75-hour practicum (25 hours of direct service)
  • Monthly continuity groups are provided throughout the program
  • Individual Mentoring for the Practicum is offered

Every Seminar Is Created For Further Self-Realization

In the Karuna Graduate Training, we maintain the personal process component of our training. In addition, regional continuity groups continue, and every seminar is created for further self-realization, acquired skills in teaching, and more profound personal agency in the Karuna methodology.
The Graduate training is designed to support participants in the opportunities to live compassionate exchange and apply Karuna skills globally! The program is applicable for those engaged in therapeutic jobs and anyone who wishes to continue skill-building. We all aspire to be more skillful in our relationships, service, or professional life.

The Program enhances all walks of life & Any endeavor which requires we interact with others.

KTG1: Introducing Others to Meditation Practice

Four days – one evening and three full days – Residential when possible 10 CEUs
This course aims to teach participants to introduce mindfulness-awareness meditation practice and embodied mindfulness in multiple
personal and professional settings. The purpose of this course is to build confidence in accompanying others in a mindfulness discipline, both in working with their mind and emotions. This program emphasizes how to help people utilize The Four-Step Practice of working mindfully with emotions; identifying; holding without judgment, taking to heart, and de-identifying. 

Training others to join and stay with their emotional energy as a guided contemplative is the purpose of this method. This program is the first course in the graduate series and emphasizes bringing Karuna techniques into a life of lived “engaged compassion.” This program introduces the requirements for fulfilling a 75-hour practicum, and faculty mentors are assigned. This program kicks off and inspires what will become a year of engaged, compassionate action.

KTG2: The Body, Speech, and Mind of Contemplative Experiential Work

Online: Two weekend days + 2 follow up courses, each with 1-hour meditation 8 CEU
This course aspires to introduce the logic and skills to facilitate the Body, Speech, and Mind group in multiple applications, i.e., the body, speech, and mind of organizations, relationships, and families, and institutions. 

In addition, this course focuses on Introducing methods of creating contemplative experiential exercises; with a ground, path, and fruition framework. Participants will practice creating and facilitating experiential work during this course. The Graduate Practicum project draft proposal is introduced and a form of Contemplative process notes to be utilized in the 75-hour practicum.

KTG3: Self Care and Trauma-informed Compassionate Exchange

Online: Two weekend days + 2 follow up courses, each with 1-hour meditation No CEU’s
This Course aspires to explore the importance of applying Maitri (loving-kindness) toward oneself and others daily. Participants learn about the definitions and causes of burnout from a Contemplative Psychology perspective. The course is dedicated to exploring experiential methods of self-care, how to create and practice those methods ritually on a day-to-day basis. 

The material presented is trauma-informed and is designed to build intensity capacity, which means growing our window of tolerance to stay with and witness emotional pain and paradoxical truths of the World. Habits of losing oneself in the process of helping others are also deeply explored. There will be a review of the application of compassionate exchange in daily life settings. Each participant will write a personal care agreement to apply immediately in their lives. Practicums are reviewed and time checked for where people are in their practicum journey.

KTG4: Maitri Space Awareness Deepening Week and Learning to Facilitate Speaking from the Heart Groups

An in-person residential retreat for Six and half days and Six nights 19 CEU’s
This deepening week explores the role of ‘nowness’ using the Five Buddha Families in the process of facilitation. Participants learn and practice how to facilitate ‘Speaking From the Heart’ Groups. Participants are invited to intensify one, or two, Buddha Families for the entire week, meaning that one Buddha family is explored through a cycle of the Five families. 

Learning the interplay of the Buddha Families is one aim, and intensification practice teaches us to trust emotional energy further. Students find their strengths and challenges in facilitating contemplative groups and giving feedback to their fellow participants utilizing the Shining the Jewel method. The principles of exchange are reviewed, but this time applied to a group setting instead of one person. 

Practicum projects continue being supported in the background, and the closing program presentation requirements are presented. This entire deepening week, students are holding the container in meditation and body awareness, all the while being shined and polished into the best one has to offer others in terms of one’s style and strengths.

KTG5: Maitri Intensification in Everyday Life

Online: Seven 2.5 hour Courses to explore intensifying one or two Buddha Families at home in an online contained community. 14 CEUS
This course introduces participants to practicing Maitri Space Awareness at home to explore the Buddha Family energies in their everyday life situations. Participants explore one or two Buddha families for the entire seven weeks. The investigation is to learn how the Buddha Family chosen colors our awareness specific and counter to that respective energy. 

The course offers a trauma-informed approach to building one’s intensity capacity and growing our capacity to stay with emotional pain in a contemplative way. We can, in turn, teach others to work with their energy in the same way. Additional investigations of emotional habits in one’s family, relationships, and culture are explored. The application of compassionate exchange in daily life settings is also reviewed, and the course continues to examine and explore one’s care container in their lives regarding the Buddha Family one is intensifying.

KTG6: Graduation Weekend -Shine Like the Jewels You Are

Four days Retreat in-person when possible – one evening and three full days. Residential when possible 16 CEUs
This final course is dedicated to students making presentations on their Karuna Practicums and process. Each participant presents for 30 minutes covering their practicums and their process in the three years in Karuna Training. Although these presentations are not evaluated traditionally, they are allowed to hang in silence afterward, without feedback or evaluations, to be fully absorbed contemplatively. 

Each participant has 20 minutes of a 30-minute presentation to hold the cohort participants in an experiential process demonstrating Karuna Principles. Their experiential should reflect what they did with others in their practicums. The purpose of this program is to celebrate the journey of Karuna Training and engaged compassion. This program supports participants in integrating what they and their cohort have learned together in three years of Karuna Training, how they have brought Karuna methods into their daily lives, and how the Karuna teachings have translated into their work-life scenarios.

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