Karuna Hybrid Graduate Training
2024 – 2025

1 year advanced Karuna training

The Karuna Graduate Training is a year-long certificate program that offers tools from Karuna Training that participants can integrate into their life and work with others. This includes Compassionate Exchange, Facilitation of Experiential Exercises, Body, Speech and Mind Group Facilitation, Mindfulness-Awareness Training, Speaking from the Heart Group Facilitation and Concentrated Self-Care and Self-Compassion. The prerequisite is the Karuna Basic Training

Graduate Schedule

KT Grad 2023 - 2024 

The Karuna Graduate Training is a year-long certificate program which offers tools from Karuna Training that participants can integrate into their life and work with others.
PLACE: This program is designed to be as accessible as possible. In Person programs will be held at the Human Universal Health Institute (HUH) in Denver, Colorado, at the Human Universal Health Institute. We ask everyone to attend the week-long residential retreat in person at Drala Mountain Center in Red Feather Lake, Colorado.

FACULTY: Melissa Moore, Ph.D., Sandra Ladley, MA, Terry Jaworski, MA, and continuity faculty.

PREREQUISITES: Karuna Basic Training

Total Training Hours

  • 25 hours of direct practice in the 75 hour practicum - includes 25 hours of mentoring groups
  • Four Programs are both online and in-person, both facilitated by faculty. In-person will be held at Human Universal Health in Denver
  • The 7-day residential retreat will be held at Drala Mountain Center


  • The program cost is $4,000, ($3,400 if paid in full saving you $600)
  • Financial assistance and payment plans are available
  • Food and lodging costs for retreats at Drala Mountain Center are not included in the tuition cost
Additional costs Please note that the food and lodging costs for the residential retreat are billed and paid separately from the rest of the program expenses. The costs are estimated at $100- $200 a night for food and lodging which includes discount and standard rates.

Accessibility: To discuss accommodations and access needs, please email here.

Trisong Grant from the Khyentse Foundation

We are delighted to announce that Karuna Training North America has received a Trisong Grant from the Khyentse Foundation. This international foundation supports institutions and individuals engaged in Buddhist practice and study traditions. You can find out more at khyentsefoundation.org,

The grant funds will be used to provide scholarships for the 2024 Karuna Graduate Training and awarded to persons who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and those experiencing physical, sensory, neurodiverse, and behavioral health disabilities and challenges.

Karuna Training applied for the Trisong Grant as one of several measures to increase the diversity of social and cultural experiences within the Karuna community of practitioners.

We invite all members of the BIPOC, LGBTQ+ community and those experiencing disabilities who have completed Basic Karuna Training to apply for a scholarship. Scholarships are limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information, email Melissa Moore at melissa.moore@karunatraining.com

More Information

In the graduate training we maintain a commitment to personal process. Mentoring groups meet monthly and every seminar is created for further self-transformation and deeper personal inquiry.
The training is designed to support us in the numerous opportunities we have to live in our compassionate exchange and apply Karuna skills in our lives and the world whether that be in our relationships, service, or professional life.

Dates & Topics

KTG 1: Mindfulness-Awareness and Contemplative Education

February 23 - 25, 2024  • Hybrid: online & in person at Human Universal Health in Denver, Colorado.  

An in-person retreat focused on seating mindfulness-awareness practice and training on how to design and transmit contemplative experiential work. Deepening the practice of meditation instruction and how to seat contemplative experiential work is the lesson of this program. 

We will look deeply into the mirror at our own relationship to practice and will learn how we understand it and communicate about it with others. Participants will learn how to teach contemplative experiential work and unlock the container magic of Body, Speech, and Mind group practice. This work is to grow our skills in the dynamics of contemplative facilitation. The end result is an ability to create a contemplative container for experiential work.

KTG 2: The Body, Speech, and Mind of Contemplative Experiential Work

April 27 & 28, 2024 • Hybrid: online & in person at Human Universal Health in Denver, Colorado.

This online course aspires to introduce the logic and skills to facilitate the Body, Speech, and Mind group in multiple applications; for example the body, speech, and mind of organizations, relationships, and families, and institutions. 

In addition, this course focuses on Introducing methods of creating contemplative experiential exercises; with a ground, path, and fruition framework. Participants will practice creating and facilitating experiential work during this course. The Graduate Practicum project draft proposal is introduced, as well as a form of contemplative process notes to be utilized in the 75-hour practicum.

KTG 3: Compassionate Exchange and Self Care

July 6 & 7, 2024 • Hybrid: online & in person at Human Universal Health in Denver, Colorado.

This online course is specifically dedicated to the art of self-care when working with others. Each participant will be doing a plan and create the opportunity to implement self-care over a period of time with report-outs to their continuity group and as part of their practicum. We call this learning to live Karuna in everyday life.

KTG 4: Maitri Intensification Deepening Week & Speaking from the Heart Group Facilitation

September 14 - 20, 2024 • In-person residential 7 day retreat at  Drala Mountain Center

Participants learn how to facilitate Speaking from the Heart contemplative groups while they are doing intensive Maitri Space Awareness work in a retreat setting. We will also have the opportunity to present a contemplative experiential exercise during the deepening week in small groups. 

The Maitri emphasis this deepening week is the ‘wisdom of no escape’ in that we stay in and intensify one or two colors the entire deepening week. This is the fruition of Maitri practice and where the potential transmission of a buddha family can occur in relationship to the rest of the buddha family mandala.

KTG 5: Maitri Space Awareness in Everyday Life

October 12 - November 23 2024 • Online: weekly 10 -12.30 MT

This course introduces participants to practicing Maitri Space Awareness at home, and explores the Buddha Family energies in everyday life situations. Participants explore one or two Buddha Families for the entire seven weeks. The investigation is to learn the ways in which the Buddha Family chosen is coloring our awareness specific and counter to that respective energy. 

The course offers a trauma-informed approach to building one’s intensity capacity and growing our capacity to stay with emotional pain in a contemplative way. We can in turn teach others to work with their energy in the same way. Additional investigations of emotional habits in one’s family, relationships, and culture are explored. The wisdom of each family is investigated in relation to all the other Buddha Families. The application of compassionate exchange in daily life settings is also reviewed.

The Practicum: On Your Own Time, Working with a Mentor

Ongoing online monthly cohort meetings with Karuna Mentors will be implemented for additional hours from February 2024 through to January 2025 - dates and times TBD.

The heart of the training is the 75-hour practicum which includes 20 – 25 hours of direct work with others in a practicum of your design and choice. It includes 50 hours or more preparing for, evaluating, and writing and recording a journal of your practicum along the way, meeting in regional groups and with your faculty mentor. 

The idea of the practicum is to stretch you, to make it personal and challenging in a way that you never dared to manifest. The practicum begins with a written plan and approval from your faculty mentor. The point of the practicum is to live your compassion and to apply it directly in an area of your life that will challenge you deeply in personal growth.

KTG 6: Graduation

January 16 - 19 2025 • Hybrid: Online & In-person non-residential retreat held at Human Universal Health in Denver, Colorado

Participants will spend a half hour presenting their practicum to the cohort. The emphasis is on living Karuna in the world and on the practicums and lessons learned are the main aspects of the presentation at this graduation.

Completion of the program: It will be acceptable to miss one seminar and receive certification.  

Program Schedule

In-person non residential  means you must find your room and board accommodations; we can help you if you're coming from out of town.

Residential retreat means you will live on-site for the duration of the program.

Hybrid means you can attend this program online, and the HUH center is set up to accommodate mixed programs.
Participants may miss no more than one seminar and still receive certification.
Course & HoursProgram DetailsDatesTeachers & Location
KTG 1: Mindfulness-Awareness and Contemplative Education

24 hours
Hybrid: Online and In-Person seminar establishing the community.

February 23 - 25, 2024 3 full-days Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 5pm
February 23 - 25, 2024HUH & Online
KTG 2: The Body, Speech, and Mind of Contemplative Experiential work

18 hours
Hybrid Online

One weekend two full days Sat & Sun 10am -5pm

April 27 & 28, 2024HUH & Online
KTG 3: Compassionate Exchange and Self Care

18 hours
In-Person seminar

One weekend two full days Sat & Sun 10am -5pm

July 6 & 7, 2024HUH & Online
KTG 4:Deepening Week Intensification Maitri & Speaking from the Heart Group Facilitation

56 hours
In person residential retreat 7 days, 6 nights September 14 - 20, 2024Drala Mountain Center
KTG 5: Maitri in Everyday Life

21 hours

Online 7 courses. 2.5 hours each with Maitri practice at home
October 12 - November 23 2024
10.00 -12.30 MT
Practicum; on own time

75 hours with mentoring
75 hours with mentoring

Practicum hours include a minimum of 25 hours of direct service

Online Mentoring Group support

11 hours

8 group sessions lasting 1.5 hours each.

TBD for anyone wanting ongoing mentoring in addition to 3 hours of private mentoring with a Karuna Faculty


KTG 6: Graduation

16 hours
Four days of Offerings both in-person and online, 10am - 5pm 3 days & 10am - Noon on the last day facilitated by faculty. 2pm- 4pm graduation ceremony 19th Jan.January 16 - 19 2025HUH & Online
Total Hours - 249
Mentoring Groups

30 hours
Meet 2 hours monthly

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