with Melissa Moore, Ph.D. & Steamboat's Minds in Motion
Tuesday, September 12th from 7PM - 8:30PM MT
Bud Werner Memorial Library
1289 Lincoln Ave., Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
FREE In-Person Event
Melissa Moore has offered Contemplative Psychology (CP) training for over 30 years in Karuna Training; Karuna means compassion in Sanskrit. Karuna Training draws on the ancient teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and integrates those teachings through the Western Psychological process in a community of practitioners.
Practitioners of Contemplative Psychology become skilled in identifying their own and others' intrinsic health, sometimes called brilliant sanity, a personal resource that can be drawn on for resilience and nervous system regulation in our daily lives.
Intrinsic health is unconditioned by the circumstances of our lives, diagnosis, or the limitations we experience in our bodies, relationships, or mental states. Unconditioned health can be accessed through meditation practice and other contemplative awareness-raising experiential that support our resilience through life’s challenges.
This community conversation will explore the foundational principles of contemplative psychology and the role that ritual plays in tapping our intrinsic health in daily life. Melissa will explore the topic both didactically and experientially. Please come prepared to experience meditation and participate in an exercise that involves personal sharing.
This event is produced in partnership with Minds in Motion.
About the library's Health Perspectives Series
This is an ongoing, once-in-an-occasional series of talks, workshops and films that brings together professional expertise in nutrition, exercise and general health for free community programs at the Bud Werner Library.