January Karuna Live: Aspirations over Resolutions for the New Year
With Melissa Moore
Saturday, January 21, from 10 AM - 11 AM MT
The New Year is a new beginning, and even if we are superstitious, we still have to pause at the threshold of the unknown. How to do that with grace and without self-defeating mental conditioning is an art. Learning to aspire openly for the New Year allows for creativity and space. New Year’s aspirations, as opposed to resolutions, are less defined and open-ended. An Aspiration sets an intention, something like “ I aspire to exercise more in 2023.” as opposed to a hard and fast resolution, “I resolve to exercise daily in 2023. ” We rise to an aspiration in our hearts and minds. In contrast, a resolution is something we’ve come to out of failure. Choose a rising mind this New Year and learn to make open-ended aspirations.
Melissa Moore Ph.D. has been the steward of Karuna Training North American since 2014 and a co-founder of Karuna Europe in 1996. Melissa has her MA in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and her Ph.D. in Psychological Anthropology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Melissa has been a student of Vajrayana Buddhism and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche since 1979. Melissa has taught Karuna Training in nine countries and five states in the U.S. She is the author of the newly published book, The Diamonds Within Us: Uncovering Brilliant Sanity Through Contemplative Psychology: https://thediamondswithinus.org.