with Melissa Moore, Ph.D.
October 26th from 7 PM - 8 PM MT
“We tell ourselves stories to live.”
- Joan Didion
Stories are a core aspect of our psychological well-being and how we make sense in our families and communities. Stories make meaning and help us make sense of a wild, incoherent world. And yet, sometimes, our personal stories are so solidly constructed and tightly held in our minds that they get in the way of grasping a broader perspective. These tightly held narratives constrict moving forward in our lives, seeing others' perspectives, and or allowing for others' opinions and narratives to co-exist.
Therefore, unraveling our narrative often involves allowing the holes in our story to emerge and exploring the need to see things more expansively and alternatively. There is a skillful means of making room for others' views and opinions, which we are sorely missing in today's society. The task requires we look at how our narratives serve us, their effect on our lives, and how they affect others who matter, and then through this examination, we may loosen our grips on the storylines of our life and make room for a broader perspective.
Unraveling the Narrative will be an hour of exploring how we hold our life stories, the major ones that shape us– exploring where these stories support us and hinder our growth.
This program introduces Karuna's methods of drawing from Contemplative Psychology. The program is relevant for anyone willing to openly investigate their psychology in a group setting. The program is interactional.
What to expect:
We aspire that you come away with more questions than you arrived so that you will stick around and engage with us further.
Want to read more on this topic? Read Melissa's article here.
Melissa Moore Ph.D. has been the steward of Karuna Training North American since 2014 and a co-founder of Karuna Europe in 1996. Melissa has her MA in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and her Ph.D. in Psychological Anthropology from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Melissa has been a student of Vajrayana Buddhism and Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche since 1979. Melissa has taught Karuna Training in nine countries and five states in the U.S. She is the author of the newly published book, The Diamonds Within Us: Uncovering Brilliant Sanity Through Contemplative Psychology: https://thediamondswithinus.org.